Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hotel Linde, Zuffenhausen


   In an earlier post I said that I had tried to locate Linde’s gasthaus and couldn’t find it.  Light bulb went off in the middle of the night and I remembered it was also a hotel.  Went looking for a hotel and found it.

   It was opened in 1953 and completely renovated in 2011.  The outside looks exactly the same to me. A lot of beer was consumed by GI’s in this place.  There was probably a sucking sound when Grenadier closed it’s doors. Great little place run by very nice folks.

   Nothing more to report other than I found an old haunt!  If you were here please leave a comment.


  1. I would encourage you to add to the Wikipedia article started on Grenadier and other Kasernes in the Stuttgart area. It costs nothing to join, is easy to contribute and you can add photos should you wish to contribute them.


    It's just a small stub to begin, but someone with more info should be able to flesh it out some.

    Another place seeking content about Grenadier and the US Army on Germany is US Army Germany.com
    The guy has a large and growing site and seeks input from those who were there.

    I myself was stationed at Kelley Barracks in the 1980's and enjoyed stumbling upon your site.

  2. In 1953 I was stationed in Grenadier Kaserne with the Seventh Army's 4th MASH. and spent wonderful evenings at Linde's. There was a shuttle bus that provided rides to and from the place which was very convenient, especially after an evening of Dinkelackers.

    After about a year we moved to Coffey Barracks in Ludwigsburg

    Don Ketzler
